Why Choose Us?

Since 1973

  • We don’t identify only identify symptoms. We find and show you the symptom and then work to find the root cause of that issue.
  • Free phone and email consultation for clients. No matter how long its been since your inspection, you can call for advice. The standing record was set last year. A client called us 23 years after her inspection with a question about a renovation she was considering. She apologized for not contacting us before, but she had not needed a home inspector because she was still in the same house we inspected for her and her family. We told her that this is what we strive for with every client.
  • We inspect each and every house as if we were inspecting it for a family member. We generate friendships with some many of our clients. The goal is to inspect the house and identify the deficiencies so they make a sound decision and can live in their home for many years to come, even if that means not requiring our service for quite a while.